*Used* Tandemkross “Victory PRO” Extended Base Pad S&W 22 Victory – 2pk
Condition: Very Good in Original Packaging
At a glance:
- Extended bumper improves consistency of positive magazine seating
- Zytel® based for strength and durability
- Lateral grip pulls offer improved surface for pulling from the magazine well
While the Smith & Wesson® SW22 VICTORY® is one of the best-functioning stock pistols on the market, the flush surface on the magazine base pads can make proper and consistent seating the magazines a challenge. For rimfire competition shooters, a loose magazine can cause significant delays in shooting time.
The TANDEMKROSS VictoryPRO Extended Magazine Bumper for SW22 Victory® offers an oversized Zytel® grip. This extra material at the base of the magazine allows the user to confidently seat the magazine positively every time. Should the magazine get stuck, the integrated lateral grip pulls of the base pad allow for easy pulling from the magazine well.
This drop-in SW22 VICTORY® upgrade attaches to the bottom of the factory magazine. The installation does not require glue or gunsmithing and can be done in minutes. This simple Smith & Wesson® VICTORY® upgrade is ideal for competition shooters or any SW22 VICTORY® owner looking to improve the firearm’s reliability.
Rangeview Sports Canada
Licensed Gun Shop in Newmarket, Ontario