Versatility & Value!, L/H & R/H.
Fits Most Popular Pistol Magazines.
This Pouch is fully Ambidextrous giving Left & Right handed shooters the same benefits.
Supplied with Inserts to fit.
Hi – Cap Mags “Para, STI, Bul, SV Kimber etc.”
9mm Box Mags “Popular 9mm & 40 Double Stack
Mags incl. CZ, Browning, Beretta 92, Tanfoglio etc.”
Glock “all Small Frame Glock Mags, Excluding
45 acp & 10mm auto.
Tension adjustment & slick insert material ensures.
Fastest mag changes Angle & Height adjustment.
Note these hangers do not fit DAA Belts. Use only with CR Speed Belts!