3M Peltor Tactical Sport Headset
The 3M™ Peltor™ Tactical Sport™ Electronic Headset helps to provide a natural, realistic sound, giving users the fast shut-off and recovery time.
The sound amplification allows you to hear better with the earmuff on than with normal hearing alone, while still instantly limiting dangerous noises, like gunfire, to lower, safe listening levels.
Other features include contoured cups for better stock-weld and sight picture, automatic shut-off after two hours to conserve battery life and an extra set of orange cups.
The headset helps to amplify ambient sound to enhance hearing capabilities and can be used for hunting, in the shooting range, for heavy equipment operators and in the manufacturing, construction and agricultural industries.
Item Number: 3MSMT16H210F-479-SV
Rangeview Sports Canada
Licensed Gun Shop in Newmarket, Ontario